I did the design, IA, UX, and photo editing for this opinion micro-site that invites readers to explore six editorials on the US presidency. I also wrote and designed the social media assets. Rachel Maddow said it was “a remarkable series.” Nicole Wallace called it “brilliant.” Poynter described it as “stunningly good.”

The series was written by Abdallah Fayyad and edited by Brian Bergstein, both of whom amaze me every day. Andrew Nguyen did the huge job of single-handedly developing the micro-site. On the social side, boss-level rulers of the universe Abbi Matheson and Amy MacKinnon did their usual magic. I love this team.

The best way to experience the project is by exploring it on the Globe site. If you hit the firewall, keep reading here for a static overview.

The landing page establishes the simple and powerful visual identity for the project: Tight palette (black + two oranges) and dramatic black and white photos. Readers are invited — on the landing page and through multiple opportunities on the article pages — to explore the project by topic or read in order.



The article pages follow a strict formula, leaning heavily on black and white photos and prominent navigation. I particularly like the progression navigation on the mobile version.



The project’s success was fueled by an intense social media campaign, which we designed as a visual storytelling entity unto itself. In the week after the project launch, we focused on one of the six editorials daily, until the last day our feed was a series of images that simply read: “INDICT.” Our Instagram campaign used reels, multi-images posts, and stories.

A few images from the Instagram campaign:

A few images from the Twitter campaign:

I also did the print design. While the micro-site content was published as a single package, in print we serialized the six editorials over six days.